BbB Website

Welcome to Block by Block Website!

Hi, I am MrT formally known as MrT730. Welcome to Block by Block page!

Our games in Scratch

Stickman Quest

Work In Progress
THIS GAME IS OLD Ver of this serise. Visit the other one . This game was is an brother of old Stickman quest, and this is the newer one. Our old account(which was an school accound) was suspended and given a new account by an admin, I think the reson is the teacher doing scratch moved to diffrent school. We don't do scratch lesson anymore.

Ssurvival on 1 heart Beta 1.1

Work In Progress.




FNAFStuff! is owner of .



PolyGame is the friend of our owner JustJack.



Hi, I am the writer of this Website! I can code in JS, Luau (a little bit) (Roblox). Visit my page!